
HR Professional

HB2  HR Professional

Human Resource (HR) teams should play a key role across the organisation, helping to drive forward a fraud loss reduction strategy.

  • Poor pay or working conditions, unfair or unequal treatment, fear of redundancy and organisational change can all increase the motive or rationalisation for staff to commit fraud against their employers.
  • The lack of an ethical culture and ethical leaders and lax recruitment processes also increases the risk of fraud.
  • HR also has a vital role to play in creating the right environment for effective whistleblowing and will also be involved in any internal staff investigations resulting and any subsequent disciplinary action relating to fraud.

Our guide and resources compliment CIPD guidance and in particular the following resources may be more relevant from an HR Professional’s perspective:


We have also created a special HR resource below to explain how aspects of good fraud management can fit into your people strategy.

Click to download as pdf.

People Strategy and Fraud Pic FMRC v1

Copyright 2021